STA3318 Series, StellarMiniTM 180 W, Ku-Band, Antenna Mount TWTA
The STA3318 range of Ku-Band TWT amplifiers from Spacepath Communications provide over 150W of output power in a compact, lightweight, rugged, weatherproof, antenna mount enclosure. The advanced packaging and cooling techniques enable the unit to operate in extreme environmental conditions from direct rain to direct sunlight. The amplifiers can be deployed globally, are easy to
integrate, user-friendly, and incorporate a comprehensive remote control facility as standard via an RS422/485 serial bus with Ethernet options.
The HPA incorporates a high efficiency dual collector TWT powered by a state-of-the-art power supply that further advances the company’s reputation for robust, reliable product. In addition the circulator, receive band filter and harmonic filter are included as standard, eliminating the need for additional external components. The STA3318 is available with a wide range of options and accessories, backed by round-the-clock, worldwide technical support.
Data Sheet: Spacepath STA3318 2022
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