- Redundancy Kit - Model: ...
Alga 60W Ku-Band BUC (NEW O.E.M)
CompanyMake: ALGA Microwave Inc.
Product: Alga 60W Ku-Band BUC (NEW O.E.M)
Model: NJALKU-60
Condition: New from original equipment manufacturer
Warranty: 2years from the manufacturer
- Redundancy Kit – Model: NJAL-C/KU-XX-RS Uplink 1:1 Kit both C & Ku
- Mounting Kit Mounting Kit
- Shifted Frequency *** add 5% *** (must be approved) Extended Frequency *** add 10%
- Extended Warranty add 5% / year over 2 (max 5 year)
- Additional Mating connectors $50 / connector
- Built in 10 MHz reference
- Digital controller
Due to regular change in USD exchange rates we advice you to take contact with our sales team at sales@ai-sat.com for up to date pricings.